Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back home in the NC

Well, we thought we would never get here, but here we are, back in the good of OBX! Our remodeled Saltbox house turned out really nice and Debbie is once again doing the "nesting" thing. Eddie tries to stay our of her way, but is just great with helping her when needed. We have more kitchen cabinet space that we ever imagined we would have and it is just wonderful.

We are in the process of actually cleaning out all the closets, storage units and donating items that we haven't used or don't plan to use in the near future. This is a major feat for both Eddie and Debbie since they are both proclaimed professional "packrats"! Now, Eddie has been very agreeable with Debbie up to this point, but, the garage is next! You know, the "it's Eddie's garage and Debbie stay out" garage. The plan is to clean out and paint!! We will see.

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